The FWSP online sticker store is temporarily closed for 2024. It will reopen when 2025 stickers are available.

Incentive Grant Guidelines

Incentive Grant Information & Guidelines

The 2024 FWSP Incentive Grant Program has been launched and we are taking online applications only.  Please discuss your project in advance with your Property Manager/Superintendent and acknowledge their approval on the application form. 

Applications are due by April 7, 2024.

Application Guidelines:

Who:  Friends Groups who are up-to-date with membership fees with Friends of Wisconsin State Parks and have a Friends Group agreement with the WI State Parks Bureau are eligible to apply.

What:  Incentive Grant applications up to $3,500 with a minimum of a 1:1 match will be accepted for consideration.  There is a total of $80,000 in available grant funds for projects.  

Project priorities for funding include Seasonal Naturalist wages, Naturalist programs and activities, Outdoor education and supplies, and Interpretive signage/exhibits.

Grant funds may not be spent on administrative overhead, consultation services, planning, or design work.

Please note that depending on the number of Incentive Grant applications received, there may be competition for available grant funds and the ranking criteria included may be used to determine which projects are selected for funding.

When:  Completed Incentive Grant applications must be sent electronically and received on or before April 7, 2024.  The project must be approved and the application acknowledged by the DNR Property Manager/Superintendent and the Friends group President.  Grant Awards will be announced in early May 2024. A final report for projects that are funded, will be required and must be submitted to FWSP by Nov. 1, 2024

 If the required complete closeout report is not received by the due date, the Friends Group will NOT be eligible to apply for a 2025 Incentive Grant.  No exceptions.

Where:  Grant funds must be used for projects located at the Wisconsin State Park System properties.  

Recognition of grant funding:  Projects that receive grant funding are expected to provide recognition and acknowledgment of the funding that should include articles in newsletters, on social media, signage at the project location, and acknowledgment at each naturalist program and event.

Ranking criteria for grant applications:
  • The application is submitted on time and complete with all necessary information and a detailed budget. (1 point)
  • The applicant has not received Incentive Grant funding in the last 2 years. (2 points)
  • The applicant provides 15% or more match above the required 1:1 match. (3 points)