Membership Resources - Grants
Several grant programs are available to Friends Groups projects that support the mission and activities at Wisconsin State Park Properties.
Friends of Wisconsin State Parks Grants
TREES AND FLOWERS GRANTS - Designed for tree/plant beautification projects at parks, forests, trails and recreation areas. Deadline: Spring.
Other Grant Sources
Friends grant applications are due on November 15, 2023.
Recreational Trails Program - The Recreation Trail Program is a federal program administered nationwide. Municipal governments and incorporated organizations are eligible to receive reimbursement for the development and maintenance of recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trail uses. Funds may be used in conjunction with funds from the state snowmobile or ATV grant programs and Knowles-Nelson Stewardship development projects. Eligible projects include: Existing trail maintenance and restoration; Development and rehabilitation of trailside and trailhead facilities and trail linkages; Construction of new trails (some restrictions apply); and Acquisition of easements and fee simple title to property for recreational trails or recreational trail corridors (some restrictions apply). Deadline: May 1.
Heritage Trust Fund - The Wisconsin Legislature created the State Park and Forest Heritage Fund to provide grants to Friends Groups for the maintenance and operations of state parks, southern state forests, state trails or state recreation areas. A Friends Group must have established an endowment fund for the benefit of the property. Only interest generated by the endowment fund can be used as the applicant’s match. Deadline: Nov. 15.
National Park Service The National Park Service's Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program supports community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation initiatives. Guidance is provided to develop plans to preserve open space and develop trails and greenways. Deadline: June 30.
TEACHERS' OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION FUND Grants up to $1,000 are awarded annually to public school teachers (K-12) for outdoor environmental education learning experiences that occur on state property. Deadline: May 1.
Foundation Directory Online Foundation Directory Online contains in-depth profiles of grant makers, plus their histories of grantmaking. An effective way to find potential funders. Some Wisconsin library systems carry the directory. A subscription is required to obtain online access. Deadline: Varies by grant.